Saturday, December 24, 2011


On the Earth the land surface is small and the water surface is large. On the earth the three-fourth of the land is covered with the water and the remaining surface is the land. There are the over 20,000 of the different variety and the species of the fishes present in this three fourth portion of the earth covered with the water. Over the 400 million year the first fossils of the fish was been introduced. In these varieties of the fishes there is the one wide variety of the fish which is the goby. Goby is the large fish which is long over the 60 feet and long over the less than one & half inch with the combination to the whale shark.

Fish is the beautiful creature it look beautiful in the water but if the taken out of the water they died. Fish can breath in the water hence they can only live in the water. There is the body portion known as the gills through by which they get help to breathe the oxygen in the water. Gills are the body portion act as the exchanger of the oxygen from the water to the blood of the fish.

Fish body structure is different the skeleton is made of the cartilage or either of the bones hence they are the vertebrates. But the less mount of the fish skeletons is made of the cartilage but the 95% of the fish skeleton is made up of the bones. The cartilage type skeleton fish include in the shark and the ray fish. Their body is heavier than the water hence the have to swim in the water to keep the float in the water. But there is the bony fish with the gas filled sac to swim the bladder by which they can inflate or they can deflate and allow them to float in the water while they are not swimming in the water.

In the fish they have the tail fin they use them to swim in the flow of the water. These tail fin have the muscle by which they use them force the water backward and to propel forward in the water. There are the other fins by which they get help to stop in the water or to change the direction in the water. There is the anal and the dorsal fins on the top of the body and in the bottom of the body keep the fish steady in the water. The pectoral side fins help them to move up or down in the water, and the pelvic underside fins helps them to steer right or to steer left in the water. For the consumption many of the fishes eat the other fishes but the some of the fishes eat the plant as their food.

Yellow Fish Wallpaper
Yellow Fish Wallpaper

Parrot Fish
Parrot Fish

Fish With Hands
Fish With Hands

Betta Fish
Betta Fish

fish 2


fish 1


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