Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sumo Mouse, Today (Apr 21)

This Japanese-flavored rich animation is made by a Victorian production company and this first episode is penned by Melbourne-based comedian Tania Lacy. Yet the characters speak with American accents - except for the baddies, who are upper-class English.

Puzzling ethnic origins aside, it's a colourful, comic-book cartoon with brave little being that appear to be half-mouse/half-raver fighting the good fight against the leading species, smarmy little beings that appear to be half-cat/half-raver. Our unlikely sumo-wrestling hero makes his debut by harnessing the power within an ancient wrestler's top-knot in his quest to save his uncle and beat the evil top cat/raver figure. Nice bloodless violence.ut the genuineness of the ''sex addict'' diagnosis.

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